Multiple Choice Exercises
Suggested uses
- Memorization of simple concepts
- Recalling definitions or technical terms used in previous sessions
- Practising the application of simple formulas or algorithms in new data
Try answering the quiz bellow. Answers persist page refreshes, so students won’t loose their progress after the end of a session.
Text of the question.
You can add more content after the options, if you want.
<MultipleChoice slug="example-choice-exercise">
Text of the question.
<Option>wrong option 1</Option>
<Option>wrong option 2</Option>
<Option correct>correct option</Option>
You can add more content after the options, if you want.
Text explaining correct answer. Only shown after option is selected.
Multiple columns and partial points
Text of the question.
You can add more content after the options, if you want.
<MultipleChoice slug="example-choice-exercise-with-partials" columns={3}>
Text of the question.
<Option>wrong option</Option>
<Option points={20}>20% correct option</Option>
<Option points={30}>30% correct option</Option>
<Option points={40}>40% correct option</Option>
<Option points={50}>50% correct option</Option>
<Option correct>correct option</Option>
You can add more content after the options, if you want.
Text explaining correct answer. Only shown after option is selected.